

偽教師J.D.ファラグ False Teacher J.D. Farag

English translation follows Japanese commentary








Pastor JD Farag (Satanic Hand Sign) - YouTube

Pastor JD Farag 2 (Deceiving Many) Wolves posing as sheep - YouTube

J.D.ファラグは「カルバリーチャペル」の教師なのですね。この教会に属している説教者は、このチャンネルの他の動画にもあるようにCalvary Chapel Pastors (Faithful Serpents) - YouTube、全て偽者でしょう。

この人物も「艱難前携挙」を熱烈に謳っています。2020年1月の説教「携挙が 7 年間の患難の前に起こる証拠」document.pdf (subsplash.com) のスクリプトを我慢しながら読んでみましたが、かなりのやり手とみました。この人の影響で「患難前携挙説」を信じるようになった人も多いのではないでしょうか?









「患難前携挙」を謳うプロパガンダ小説『レフトビハインド』の著者ティム・ラヘイは、1993年にわざわざ「艱難前携挙リサーチセンター」The Pre-Trib Research Center なるものを設立し、世界の教会と教職者にこの説を広めるべく本腰を入れ始めたとのことです。ティム・ラヘイ(やはりヤギのような顔をしている)も、自著にフリーメーソンや薔薇十字団のマークを入れるような悪魔主義者です。彼は統一教会の文鮮明とも親しく、多額の献金をもらっていました(参照:携挙は起こらない(2)もうこの説の背景は真っ黒ですね。



(English translation)

There was a YouTube video about the apocalypse that my mother watched a couple of years ago saying, "His information on the Middle East is amazing. As soon as I saw the speaker's face,

'What's with this filthy spirit pastor?'

I thought. That's the man who, like Amir, is one of the most current (?) J.D. Farag.

Even looking at him now, I think, "He is so dirty. There is not a trace of light on his forehead. It would be more appropriate to say "mafia" rather than "Christian" anymore. I feel something very worldly. I also sense evil in his fearless smile, something in the same vein as Zelensky and Gregory Hallett. To the undiscerning, this may sound like mere blasphemy, but such things should be clearer than fire to those who understand.

I know some of you may be indignant and say, "On what basis?" So I looked for something to base my senses on, but since I couldn't be bothered to listen to this person's sermons, I began to wonder if there was some quick way to get to the bottom of it. Then I remembered the hand sign, so I looked it up, and there it was. (Be careful when looking at it, as it can be affected by evil spirits!)

Pastor JD Farag (Satanic Hand Sign) - YouTube

Pastor JD Farag 2 (Deceiving Many) Wolves posing as sheep - YouTube

So J.D. Farag is a teacher at "Calvary Chapel". The preachers who belong to this church are Calvary Chapel Pastors (Faithful Serpents) - YouTube, as shown in the video on this person's channel, and all of them are probably imposters.

This person is also a fervent advocate of the "pre-tribulation rapture." I skimmed the script of his January 2020 sermon, "Evidence that the Rapture will occur before the 7-year Tribulation," document.pdf (subsplash.com) and found him to be quite a doer. I wonder if many people have come to believe in the "pre-tribulation rapture" theory because of this guy.

He is a man who has a way of attracting the attention of those who are interested in these theories and bringing them to his side, while pretending to have an anti-vaccine stance and mixing in new information related to conspiracy theories. He also discredits Christians who are interested in spiritual matters by earnestly warning them to beware of the work of demons and false prophets, even though he is doing it himself. I read his sermons myself and am impressed with how well he researches the Bible's doctrinal pressure points.

I read other sermon scripts, and he brought up the topic of Hitler's propaganda techniques and said, "To make people trust you, you have to tell them things over and over again and tell big lies. When I read this, I thought to myself, "You are the one doing that. I swear, devil messengers like him enjoy doing this kind of deception against Christians.

In his sermon at this time, he attacked the so-called "replacement theology," which replaces Old Testament Israel with the work of the modern church, saying, "It's false teaching!" I was concerned that he was attacking it vehemently. When this is said, it may cause confusion in the minds of Christians, as they may feel that the state of Israel as it exists today is the one who does God's work. But the Israel that exists today is a nation founded by Ashkenazi Jewish Satanists.

In his sermon, Farag invites us to a relationship of psychological coexistence, saying that "our [pre-tribulation] rapture theory is being ridiculed and attacked by people," and that we are the ones who are right. He goes on to say that those who oppose them are "vicious," "spiteful," and "enemies," and in his opinion, these people are Satan's friends.

As Farag is talking about this, the moderator (who is of course one of them) quickly chimes in, "I feel the Holy Spirit leading me," in a chummy reinforcement. Both Farag and the presenter repeatedly use the word "healthy" to psychologically reinforce the listeners. It is a well-coordinated farce that plays on the behavioral psychology of Christians.

I believe that while listening to these sermons by Amir and Farag, people are completely brainwashed (some people even receive evil spirits) and begin to see everything in a reversed light. They will even feel that they are being attacked because they are right. There is a great psychological and cognitive warfare going on.

Tim LaHaye, author of the propaganda novel "Left Behind," which claims a "pre-tribulation rapture," went out of his way to establish The Pre-Trib Research Center in 1993, and began to seriously promote this theory to churches and clergy around the world. Tim LaHaye (who also looks like a goat) is also a Satanist, who has the marks of Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian Order in his books (he is also close to Moon Myung Moon of the Unification Church, and received a large donation from him). The background of this theory is already pitch black.

Can you still not understand this? They are all members of Satan's congregation, and they are consciously doing these things in order to destroy Christians.