

偽教師アミール・ツァルファティ(1)False Prophet Amir Tsarfati (1)

English translation follows Japanese commentary




彼の「Behold Israel」のHP(Behold Israel - A Non Profit Teaching Ministry)の団体説明には、












預言者のエリエナイさんに与えられた神様(イエス様?)の言葉に、「クリスチャンの高慢さのゆえに彼らが虜にされていく」(主は言われた2007 (oo7.jp) :平成19年8月13日の箇所)とあります。クリスチャンが彼らの術中に落ちていく原因の一つが、「我々は神から選ばれし者」という、隙や慢心なのではないでしょうか。悪魔達はそのことをよく知っており、ここを突いてくるのです。




2020年10月16日 JJ

これは信じられないSF映画のような話だと思われるでしょうが、非常に現実的なことです。 私は霊的に非常に敏感で、多くのマインドコントロール(注:技術?)を持っています。

(中略)私は、彼(アミール)が悪魔主義者の「インフェルノ・クラブ」と関わりがあり、ヒラリー、オバマ、ジョージ・ブッシュ、ソロス (それほどではないが) 、主にオバマや魔女の頭のようなほぼナンバー2のヒラリーの存在を、だんだんはっきりと感じるようになりました。

時間をかけてわかったことは、彼らが CIA やモサドと結びついていて、人々の心を乗っ取って、彼らのために働くようリクルートしているということでした。彼らは何度も私に試しました。彼らは現在、非常に明瞭で非常に圧倒的なテレパシーを使っています。

ネタニヤフはこれらすべての一部であり、これを行っています。 彼らは人の心と経験の一部を盗み、その人物として再現し、計画、パスワード、テクノロジーを盗みます。 すべてのアラブ人が攻撃を計画している場所を、彼らがどのように知ると思いますか? 彼らは彼らの頭の中に入り込むのです。

私が驚いたのは、アミール・ツァルファティがその一人であることをはっきりと経験したことです。 彼がモサド/CIAのために秘密裏に働いているのを見ただけでなく、彼らと同じように悪魔主義者であることを見たのでした。それらはすべて、NWO の一部であり、1 つの世界宗教なのです。教皇もその一人だと思いました。


聖書は、今回はノアの時代よりも悪いと言っています。 今、その理由が分かります。ほとんどの人は、自分の中で本当に聖霊が働いていない限り、これに抵抗することができず、乗っ取られます。 コントロール ―人の最も弱い部分、つまり性的領域を支配します ― 彼らはあなたに話しかけ、それをやろうとしているとあなたに言います。人は刺激を感じ、そのようにして人の潜在意識を乗っ取ります。(後略)


WARNING: Amir Tsarfati - False Teacher | The Harpazo Forum (proboards.com) 






以下は余談ですが、アミールのことを調べる中でこのようなHP Sermons Online 2023, Watch online sermons by famous preachers -Sermons Online (sermons-online.org)  を見かけました。偽預言者グループが分かりやすい形で並んでいるので紹介してみます。このHPで紹介されている説教者は、全員偽教師で皆仲間でしょう。



こちらもお読みください:「DOUBLE CROSS」イエズス会を脱会したアルベルト・リベラ (8) - 天国への一歩 (hatenablog.com)  このシリーズはクリスチャン向けの漫画の翻訳で、元イエズス会の司祭で後にプロテスタントの牧師となった、アルベルト・リベラ博士が実際に経験したことの証言集です。ヴァチカンやイエズス会が、現代まで彼らのような偽教師を育成し、心霊術やマインドコントロール術を訓練させ、クリスチャンを誤誘導し、霊的に破滅させるために派遣してきたことが分かります。




(English translation)

When I started looking at Twitter, I noticed that a person named "Amir Tsarfati" was often mentioned among Christians.

The moment I saw this person's face, I thought, "This person is a Satanist.’ He has an evil, dark aura emanating from his face, and he has the crushed, sunken eyes characteristic of Satanists. For some reason, I get a JD Rockefeller vibe from this person, who reminds me of a goat. He is a powerful teacher of Christ's teachings (a prophet's position?). For someone who is a teacher (prophet?), he does not have the light of God on his forehead, and it is easy to tell that he is not a true God-sent person. Do Christians really believe him to be a person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells?

The organization description on his "Behold Israel" website (Behold Israel - A Non Profit Teaching Ministry) states,

"We are a non-profit organization led by Amir Tsarfati, a native Israeli. Our mission is to provide reliable and accurate coverage of developments in Israel and the region. Amir's live updates and teachings based on God's written word sort out the truth about current events amidst the global media bias against Israel." (Emphasis added by admin.)

The first time I read this article, I was amazed. Apparently, this person's sales pitch is that he provides up-to-date information about the Middle East and Israel from his own sources. From what I have read on Christian forums and elsewhere, it seems that "Amir is a well-informed, humble Bible teacher" and is generally well received.

However, the fact that this man is a hard man to please can be seen from the fact that he is on good terms (?) with the Netanyahu administration and Trump and his ilk. Trump is a man who makes 666 marks with his fingers, and he is a man who is not afraid to use them. Trump is a fake Christian who makes 666 marks with his fingers while making speeches and acting religious, and Netanyahu, if we are to trust the information from the person who spoke with Paul Izumi, is a diabolical Jew who told PM Kan over the phone that "I caused the Tohoku earthquake. (As an aside, when I saw the picture of E.C., a well-known Jew living in Japan, I thought, "This man has the face of Asmodeus (the devil)’’.

Beware of Jewish connections that have infiltrated Christian organizations. When I used to attend an evangelical-affiliated church, there was a "Messianic Jew" meeting (BFP, I think), and one Jewish person sent from there made me wonder, "Is this person really of the Christian faith?" I had some doubts. He did not look like a person who had been saved and had received the Holy Spirit. He asked me to shake his hand on the way home from a meeting, but I quickly refused. However, I felt great things for a man from Messianic Jews who came at another time. Also, for some reason I burst into laughter when I was shown a video introducing this organization, and I thought to myself, "Why am I laughing like this now when I am watching a serious video? It's inappropriate," I thought to myself, but perhaps I had sensed something unnatural in the images provided. Amir goes out of his way to promote himself as a "genuine Israeli" on his website, but Japanese Christians must be vulnerable to such words.

People like them all seem to be connected behind the scenes, and they seem to be using deception as a mechanism, orchestrating things in a grand orchestration. In this light, it seems that they are currently inciting Christians around the world with apocalyptic stories such as Ezekiel's war and the rapture. In the meantime, Amir Tsarfati, as the man in charge of the religious department, may be in charge of keeping evangelical Christians in line with the words of the Bible, and using their gullibility to guide their thoughts.

He also goes out of his way to promote "reliable and accurate information" on his website, but I believe this is the opposite of what he is saying. He is distributing information that is convenient for the devil's camp. However, I believe that all Christians will believe the information that Amir puts out and will support the current state of Israel.

Apart from this, the elaborate images and information from overseas that we sometimes see on social networking sites and YouTube, saying that the rapture is near, may also be intentionally released by them. I think this could be another large-scale awareness operation (see my article on the Sergie Pontoise case, though I am persistent). I am sure that information about doomsday operations will continue to be disseminated by them.

What the Satanists are doing is very elaborate, perhaps to make people trust them. The youtube shows hosted by Amir, as well as Gregory Hallett's show, are glittering and elaborate, the scenarios are well thought out, and you can tell that a lot of money and time has been invested in the production of these shows. When you see him speaking in the spotlight atop a magnificent pulpit, you can tell that he has been made to look like a star so that all eyes will be on him. For me, all this glitz, glamor, and splendor is a sign of imposture, so when I see something like this, I am turned off.

Why are even faithful people deceived by such an easy-to-understand false teacher like Amir Tsarfati?

God's (Jesus'?) words given to the prophet Elienai. In the words of God (Jesus?) given to the prophet Elienai, "Because of the pride of Christians, they will be taken captive" (The Lord said 2007 (oo7.jp): August 13, 2007). I believe that the reason why Christians fall into their hands is because of their pride and "we are God's chosen ones". The demons know this very well, and this is where they will strike.

The Jews who crucified Jesus were proud that they were the legitimate inheritors of God's teachings. Since Christians today are also taught that way in existing churches (in fact, the Bible says, "God has chosen you"), it may be inevitable to some extent. The leaders and religious organizations are largely to blame, but at the same time, the way in which the teachings are received by those who receive them is also in question.

I tried to find out if anyone overseas has pointed out his false apostolicity regarding Amir, but I could not find much information. Has criticism of him been censored and contained? On a Christian forum board that barely came up, I saw the following interesting comment. This person had been a member of a Christian organization in Israel, and it was there that he began to feel that something was wrong.



October 16, 2020 JJ

This will sound unbelivable and out of a science fiction movie, but it is very real. I am very spiritually sensitive and have a lot of mind control. I know what is my mind and what is not. I went to Israel to get baptised in the Jordan river, and asked Colleen (who I found out was one of them) from Kehilat Carmel if a pastor could baptise me. She said ‘no’ but later gave me ‘Chaim Malespins’ details who is co-founder of the Aliyah Return Center. It turns out I kept having spiritually-psychically invasive satanic experiences that ended up being qulite nefarious and very very clear and defined. I came clear to me that he was connected with the ‘inferno club’ of satanists, and felt the presenses of hillary, obama, george bush, soros (not as much) mainly obama, the apparent head of the operation with hillary a close second, like the head witch.
What I found over time which astounded me, was that they are tied in with the CIA, Mossad – and take over peoples minds – and then recruit them to work for them – unless they have a strong mind in Yeshua … which they repeatedly tried with me. Forget about earpieces and electronics – they now use telepathy which is very very clear and can be quite overwhelming. Netanyahu is very much a part of all this and does this. They take parts of a persons mind and experiences from them and relive them as that person, steal plans, passwords and technology. How do you thiink they know where all the arabs are planning attacks? They get into their heads.
What surprised me was that I experienced very clearly that Amir Tsarfati was one of them. Not only did I see he worked undercover for the Mossad/CIA but was a satanist like the rest of them. All of them are, that is part of the NWO and one world religion. I saw the pope as one of them also. They can astral travel, miniturize into your eye, left one usuallly or other parts of your brain – see all that you are doing – and tell you exactly – just so that you feel overwhelmed and give in to them. I also saw that Trump had 666 with a circle on the back of his head. He , the dems including nancy pelosi are all part of this and work together.
The bible says that this time will be worse than Noahs time. Now we can see why – most will not be able to resist this unless they truly have the Holy Spirit working within them, and will be taken over. The control – take over through the weakest parts of a person where there is least control – the sexual area – they will talk to you and tell you they are about to do that, and all of a sudden you feel their presence there moving around causing a person to feel stimulated, and that way take over a persons subconscious mind.
Sound unbelievable? unfortunately not ….tribulation has already begun and most dont even know it…
(Rev 12:11) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

(Emphasis added by the administrator.)

WARNING: Amir Tsarfati - False Teacher | The Harpazo Forum (proboards.com) 



There are places in the Bible where God says things like, "You sent people to Hades and did not give up on them." It seems that Satanists even use astral projection techniques to depart from the body and travel through other spaces. They must have mastered a variety of demonic arts that we do not know about.

According to information I have glimpsed, Amir made a weird statement that "Jesus Christ is the Archangel Michael. This was later retracted. This is an absolutely extraordinary statement. I wonder if he has received proper biblical education. It sounds like the kind of thing a spiritualist would say.

I heard that Amir is going to hold a meeting at Hotel Granvia in Osaka on the 15th of this month. Since the rapture is currently near in the rapture community, some Christians may be excited to go out to hear the latest news from the Middle East and Israel. But as someone above has said, I believe he is a messenger of the devil and an expert in psychics and mind control. I think spiritually sensitive people will be badly affected, so please don't go to such places. You should also not watch his YouTube videos.

The following is an aside, but in researching Amir, I came across this HP Sermons Online 2023, Watch online sermons by famous preachers -Sermons Online (sermons-online.org). I introduced it because the false prophet groups are lined up in an easy-to-understand manner. All of the preachers featured on this website are probably false teachers and all of them are in on it.

The preachers in the line that I know are Billy Graham, David Wilkerson, Derek Prince, Kenneth Copeland, Sid Ross, Rick Warren, Benny Hinn, etc., all of whom are false teachers and obvious Satanists (evil in their face and eyes, black aura ), no light on their foreheads, and foreign websites are full of information denouncing them as false teachers.

On the top floor is the current (?) Amir Tsarfati is there. This seems to indicate that he is expected by the Satanic group to be a Hope. At the very top of the left side, the "Support Ukraine!" appeal, which infers that they are connected to Zelensky, the man who sells his own people, George Soros, who supports him behind the scenes, and members of the World Economic Forum.

Also read: "DOUBLE CROSS" Alberto Rivera, who left the Jesuits (8) - One Step to Heaven (hatenablog.com) This series is a translation of a Christian comic book about a former Jesuit priest and later Protestant minister, Alberto Rivera. D., a former Jesuit priest and later a Protestant pastor, is a collection of testimonies of what he actually experienced. It shows that the Vatican has been training false teachers like them up to the present day, sending them to train in psychic and mind control techniques to misdirect and spiritually destroy Christians.

I urge those of you who have spiritual discernment to use your gifts to expose people like them for what they really are. I used to hold back in the past, but they started to get carried away when I kept quiet, so I decided not to go easy on them either. Although this blog has few visitors, I hope that this information will spread to Christians in Japan who adore him aiming for subliminal and word-of-mouth effects.